King Tide 2017 Mapping

This year teams along the east coast, from Maine to Florida, are participating on November 5 from about 9am to 12pm (depending on the team's precise location) in mapping the year's "King Tide" -- the highest tide of the year.

The map below will show real time "points" for the mapping data for Poquoson, Virginia so people not participating can see the end result of a mapping event.

Come back in the days following the event and we'll be providing links to organizations, ranging from researchers to media companies, that are turning this data into interesting visualizations.

Note: the statistics below the map are for the Hampton Roads, Virginia region, the area in which Poquoson resides.






GPS Points



Check back to download the data!

We’ll be posting a data file as soon as possible under an open data license so you can use the data in your projects.

Thanks for participating in the King Tide 2017 Mapping Event!