Sea Rising Solutions


Mobile Participation

Thanks for choosing to contribute to Sea Level Rise! Before you can begin saving geolocated points, you must first be part of a "region" and then a "mapping event" must be added.

Getting Started

Regions are groups of people who collaborate to record sea level rise around one or more geographic locations.

Mapping events are "dates and times" when sea level is recorded in a region.

With the app you can discover regions to join, or you can start your own. Those folks who manage the region can create mapping events.

Your First Mapping

Let's assume you are ready to use the tools – you belong to a region, and a mapping event is underway!

  1. On the Tools screen, choose the button "Choose an Event" – here you'll see the events you can choose from. Choose your event and now you are ready to save data to the event.
  2. As you move around the water's edge, periodically press "Save Data" to store the coordinates of the point you are at. At one or more points you can optionally add a note and/or a photo for later reference.
  3. As points are collected by groups, they will begin to show on the event map. All points are recorded. BUT! Only those points from participants that have been elevated by the Manager to the "Champion" role will be displayed. It's up to your group's leader to set up who are at the Champion level. This step adds data integrity

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